Anger is a Hell of a Drug

January 27, 2011 § Leave a comment


Image via Wikipedia

So, tonight I got into a huge fight with my young brother.

So, why am I writing about this? Cause I need to share that I find anger to be really addictive sometimes.

Being in that fight demonstrated for me how addictive anger is for me and that may have to do with growing up in a household where anger was the norm. So, what do I do with all that anger? How do I hold on to it, process it and filter it? How do I ensure that it does not grab so tightly to me that I do some f—ed up ish to others, regardless of how much I believe they deserve? How do I stop it so I ‘fight fair’? Or maybe I am a bitch and I should just accept that about myself? Maybe, lol.

The thought of self-acceptance, at our worst and best, is what allows us to freely share with the world. So, in spite of my addiction to anger, my acceptance of that might be a good thing?  I don’t have the answers, just the emotions. And I am not going to try to explain…just try to find ways to express it until it is all out. That’s the beauty of art, isn’t it?

How do you channel your emotions, specifically anger?

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